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Pennsylvania Act 153 Background Clearances



What background checks or clearances are required?

Three different background certifications are required:

  1. Federal Criminal History Records/FBI Check is a check from the Department of Human Services of federal criminal history information obtained by the submission of a full set of fingerprints.
  2. Pennsylvania State Child Abuse Clearance Check is a check that includes a certification from the Department of Human Services as to whether the applicant is named in the statewide database as an alleged perpetrator in a pending, indicated or founded child abuse investigation in Pennsylvania.
  3. Pennsylvania Criminal History Records Check is a check of criminal history information obtained from the Pennsylvania State Police that is maintained in the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository.

How long are these clearances valid?

Act 153 requires that certifications be renewed every 60 months (five years).

Who is required to complete the Act 153 clearances?

All CCAC employees are required to obtain the three clearances.  

I think I already have these clearances, what do they look like?

DHS Child Abuse History DHS FBI Check PA State Criminal Check

I recently had these same checks completed for another employer or organization. Do I need to have them completed again if they were done in the last five years?

No, the background checks are transferable from one employer to another, provided the employee can present the originals.

Can my Volunteer clearances be accepted?

Unfortunately, the College cannot accept Volunteer clearances for employment purposes. Please obtain Employment versions of both the Child Abuse and PA Criminal History clearances. (See "How do I obtain the required clearances?" below. 

How much are clearances? Will I be reimbursed for them?

Clearances currently cost $58.85 for all three.

  • $23.85 - Department of Human Services - Federal Criminal History Records/FBI Check
  • $13.00 - Department of Human Services - Pennsylvania State Child Abuse Clearance Check
  • $22.00 - Pennsylvania Criminal History Records Check

Employees must obtain these clearances at their own expense. CCAC currently has no active reimbursement program for clearance reimbursement, though full-time AFT members should refer to their contract Article XXVI regarding reimbursement through the Common Fund for Dues Reimbursement.

How do I obtain the required clearances?

Step-by-Step directions for how to obtain the required clearances are here.

How do I turn in clearances once I obtain them?

For New Hires

You will present your original clearances as part of your New Employee Pre-Hire Meeting

For Current Employees

You can submit your clearances virtually via email and Zoom. Directions for how to submit your clearances can be found on the MyCCAC Hub.

Important Notes on Remote Instruction and Act 153 Requirements

Online interactions with minors or dual enrolled students are within the scope of the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law and Act 153 background certifications are required for online instruction as for in-person instruction. These clearance must be obtained and on file with the Office of Human Resources prior to employee interacting with minors, including interactions using distance education and advising technology.

I have more questions.

Please contact the Office of Human Resources with any additional questions regarding clearances at or 412.237.3001.